Bookies Burned By Hottest Ever October!

The hottest ever October record temperature was broken on the first day of the month and bookmakers William Hill have been stung by an Indian Summer betting bonanza by meteorological punters. The odds of this month seeing the all time record of 29.4C (1985) had been backed in, all the way from 6/4 to 8/11 by the time that betting ceased at midnight on the 30th September.

“The previous record was officially confirmed as having been smashed just after one o’clock and Hills forked out a five figure sum to eager punters – no doubt on their way to buy burgers and bangers for a final Barbie of the year,” said Hill’s spokesman Joe Crilly. “We must have been the only people in the country praying for wind and rain.”

Joe Crilly
Press Officer

T: 0208 918 3746
M: 07850 518 164

William Hill Press Office; Greenside House; 50 Station Road; Wood Green; London; N22 7TP

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